Monthly Archives: May 2015

Kototama of Takenouchi and Hotsuma Civilizations

Takenouchi and The Three Civilizations

There are various koshi-koden, secret documents from ancient Japan. They have been kept secret both by hostile repression and for safekeeping of wisdom. The Takenouchi records were compiled over a vast period of time; they were preserved by the Takenouchi family until these modern times. The Hotsuma Tsutae is a later record of a time of legendary figures which gives an insight to changes in human society. According to the Takenouchi Monjo, people lived spiritually in peace and plenty for a long period of time. However, new generations grew restive; they wanted more materiality and physicality. The guiding elders discussed this seriously and eventually made the decision to let humanity undergo a period of exploration of the material world. The sages would cooperate so that this painful period would be as brief as possible.

Thus the First Civilization gradually ended and the Second began. The decision for the transition was made about ten thousand years ago. Wisdom keepers began to hide their teachings by concealing documents, by creating and spreading myths that veiled the true nature of the stories, and by building religions that would impart some and only some of the truth. Although veiled, precious wisdom would need to be accessible when the time came for it to be revealed and applied.

When we think of how much humans have accomplished even in the last two thousand years in analyzing and controlling the physical world through technology development, building of nations, formalizing religions and other social systems, we are not amazed to realize that this material civilization has just about culminated.

The Second Civilization is nearing its end. In the Takenouchi Documents, transition dates of 2011 and 2017 are given. The Third Civilization of higher consciousness and greater unity is coming. This is the age all ancient wisdom cultures have been awaiting.

Those who are on the Path of Wisdom see signs of returning spring. As the physical world of nature and man grows more disruptive, at the same time more people are awakening to walk the Path. The world is emerging from the bleakness of winter into the rebirth of spring.


The Path of the ancient ones of the Japanese Islands is called Kototama. This term refers to the spiritual (tama) power of sound (koto). Its formal name is Kototama Futomani, Kototama Great (futo) Mana (energy). Kototama Futomani is a cosmology and a practice. It is based on the fundamental property of Universe to create, to manifest, by vibrations. Vibrations produced by the human voice form the sounds of speech. We often forget that these vibrations of speech carry great spiritual energy. Kototama is based on the principle that the way sound patterns are organized determines the development of individual human consciousness and of human society. Civilizations evolve and fall on the basis of these sound systems.

Most important of the sounds are the vowels, aptly called mother sounds. In Kototama, we teach the sounds rather than the letter names. The sequence of the vowels plays a key role and describes the process of human and societal development. Consonants are father sounds and together they create child sounds.

In the coming Third Civilization, the vowel order of Futonorito will be:

          Ah  Ih  Eh  Oh  Uh

You will see some authors write vowel sounds as A I E O U. This is only a shorthand that represents sounds. In our current Second Civilization, the order of Kanagi is:

          Ah  Ih  Uh  Eh  Oh

The past First Civilization used the Sugaso order:

          Ah  Oh  Uh  Eh  Ih

Kototama science is deep and complex. We can only give the tip of the iceberg. The power of the vowels can be briefly and inadequately presented in the following.

          Ah           Spark beginning activity

          Ih            Will, intention, desire

          Eh           Judgment, discernment, evaluation

          Oh          Memory, experience

          Uh          Senses, materiality

Do not be misled by words. It takes practice to understand the subtle workings of these vowels. Individual sounds cannot be understood in isolation, for they always interact with other sounds. By working with these hints, we can begin to get an idea of the three civilizations.

Hotsuma Tsutae

Hotsuma Tsutae is another Koshi-koden. It is a legacy written in a beautiful script called Woshite. It was recorded two to three thousand years ago. It relates history and teachings of advanced humans thousands of years prior. We can well wonder how to fit the Hotsuma Tsutae into the overall scheme of the Takenouchi.

The main characters of the Hotsuma legends are known to readers of the conventionally accepted books: Kojiki (711 CE) and Nihon Shoki (720 CE). By the eighth century when these two documents were produced by royal order, there was already a formal ruling system and a stratified society. Elements considered not suitable for the court’s political purposes were eliminated or modified. It is very illuminating to compare the contents of the two koshi-koden documents with the eighth century versions.

Today’s scholars recognize a long period of peace and culture called the Jōmon period. The name Jōmon was given to describe the cord-marked earthenware said to be the oldest in the world. The Jōmon period lasted from about 14,000 BCE to 300 BCE, a remarkably long period of peace. It was followed by the Yayoi (300 BCE to 300 CE) with significant immigration from the Asian continent which greatly impacted society in the islands. Then came the Kofun period of burial mounds, and so on into historical times.

In terms of Kototama sound order, the Jōmon would be Sugaso and the following periods Kanagi.

Where does the Hotsuma culture belong in this timeline? There are two seeming inconsistencies when dating it. From the spiritually guided nature of Hotsuma society, it would appear to belong to the Sugaso order, at least in the beginning. The early tales are full of compassion and resolution of conflicts by nonviolent means such as negotiation and Kototama. Society was guided to embody Heaven on Earth which means to live in harmony with nature and universe. In the teaching sections of the Hotsuma Tsutae, the lessons emphasized living the Way of Hotsuma which is the Way of Heaven.

We know the sound order of their language through a teaching song, Awa no uta, the song (uta) of Heaven and Earth (A and Wa). It goes like this.

          a ka ha na ma            i ki hi ni mi u ku     

          hu nu mu e ke           he ne me o ko ho no

          mo to ro so yo           wo te re se ye tu ru

          su yu n ti ri                 si yi ta ra sa ya wa

From this we see that the vowel order is Ah Ih Uh Eh Oh, the Kanagi order of the Second Civilization! So we may view the Hotsuma culture as the last gasp of the Sugaso.

As in the above Awa no uta, the entire Hotsuma document is written in verse of 5 and 7 syllables. When a master poet is asked why, she replies because 7 and 5 are the rhythms of Heaven and Earth. Deep study of the Woshite syllabary has led to some understanding of the cosmology of the Hotsuma people.

As later tales unfold, especially the last 12 chapters which were added generations later, we view society moving more and more to materialistic worldviews and behavior, thus fully entering the Kanagi civilization. The sacred is declining and materialty is growing. There are battles of nation-building. While the building of a nation may seem grand and glorious, it comes at the cost of human blood and suffering. These stories mark the beginning of our Second Civilization. Hotsuma tales record the transition from the First to the Second Civilization.

Since Hotsuma times, we have continued down this path of separation and conflict, loss of connection with other people and our environment. We can go no further. We must stop and build the Third Civilization.

The documents mentioned here all include the common story of Ama no Iwato no Hiraki, the opening of the heavenly cave door. All four prophesize that the door of darkness will be opened and light of truth will pour forth once more.

The door is opening.

Hotsuma Tsutae: Suda Masako’s Two-Volumes, 2013

完訳 超古代史 秀真伝  Kanyaku (complete translation) “Chou-Kodaishi Hotsuma Tsutae” by 須田麻紗子

Ultra Ancient Document Hotsuma Tsutae, 2013, two volumes by Suda Masako


Editor’s Note:  Please refer to previous posts on Hotsuma Tsutae, especially the initial post, Briefly, the Hotsuma Tsutae’s first 28 aya were written for Jimmu Tenno (r. 660-585 BCE) by Kushimikatama. 12 additional aya were written under Keiko Tenno (r. 71-130 CE) by Ohtataneko. The 40 aya were copied and annotated with kanbun by Waniko Yasutoshi in 1775. The Hotsuma Tsutae was discovered in recent times by Matsumoto Yoshinosuke in 1966.

Maegaki   Preface

Suda Masako who is now 87 has been searching for Truth for forty years, as her mother Ryo did. Ryo’s father was a surgeon who died when she was 17. Ryo wanted to learn the right perspective for life which was precious. Her mother died around the time she graduated from college.

Showa 44, 1969, mother and daughter began to study the Hotsuma Tsutae under Matsumoto Yoshinosuke, twice a month for a year and a half. Masako did suigyo water purification every morning and started to see spiritual things.

Showa 58, 1983, they studied Ago’s Hotsuma Tsutae exclusively. Masako translated and wrote the stories in her own words, from Prologue to the last of the 40 ayas.

Ago was living in Shimane. He sent Ogasawara Nagahiyo (great grandson of Michimasa) to see her in Yokohama. Ogasawara and five associates visited and asked if they could have her translation, and they would send her related materials such as their commentaries. She could see that her translation was more modern than theirs.

Next, they examined the Hotsuma Tsutae (HT) of Ohtataneko’s kept at Hiyoshi Taisha in Biwako. This was the copy written out in kanbun, Chinese writing, by Waniko Yasutoshi in 1775, comprised of 24 books in three boxes. It was beautiful, interesting, and held deep meaning for Masako. This is the copy she used for her translation.

Hotsuma Tsutae contains the origin of Japanese culture and the heart of Nihon. This is Suda’s fervent belief.

This set of two volumes by Suda Masako contains the complete Hotsuma Tsutae in these five forms: genbun original, yomikudashi straight translation, modern translation, Waniko’s kanbun, and Masako’s translation.


Suda writes the kanji for Mikasafumi as book of kami riding on the mountain (as compared to others who write it as three umbrellas). Mikasafumi was written by Lord Kasuga, Ame no Koyane, who presented it to the 12th tenno, Keiko . It was edited by Ohokashima. This was at the time that Ohtataneko completed the Hotsuma Tsutae and offered it to the tenno.


Prologue, Hotsuma Tsutae o nobu

When heaven and earth began, the two parent kami had an Ame-no-sakahoko (representing order) and To-no-woshite (representing heavenly law), and all was good. As the number of people grew, they became more insensitive. Amaterasu made yatakagami to show truth, and gave the Mikusa-no-kantakara three treasures to Ninikine.

Long after the human tenno age began, there was the ninth tenno Kaika (r. 157-98 BCE) who abused his power. He took his father’s concubine. Ohomikenushi, the grandfather of Ohotataneko, left his post at the government in protest. He was the fifth generation grandson of Kushimikatama who wrote the original 28 ayas of the HT.

The new tenno, Keiko, needed help in governing the people and Ohotataneko provided it. He edited 40 ayas of the HT, the original 28 and the additional 12 ayas which he wrote. He presented them to the tenno. He was 234 years old.

Hotsuma means perfect harmony. Hotsuma is also a way of life, a policy, so that when using Hotsuma, the country is Hotsuma.

“If you count all the sands on the beach, you can never end the teaching of Hotsuma. Hotsuma is Oshiye no Michi.”  Hotsuma is the teaching of the Way.

Koto nobe no nagauta, Song to Introduce the Story

This uta was written by Ohokashima no Mikoto, 247 years old, to congratulate Ohotataneko on the completion of the Hotsuma Tsutae.

Amaterasu said that Ninikine is the reincarnation of Kunitokotachi because he separated lightning into fire and water, and he was given the name Wakeikazuchi. Ninikine was the first to be called Amakimi (Tenno). Amaterasu, after 170 ten thousands of years (1,700,000 years) went back to the sun and he is still shining on us.

The 26th aya is about Toyotama and it raises a question of her being a dragon. It is due to the use, or misuse, of tenioha. Tenioha is an important element of grammar as it includes particles and syntactical relationships. Without proper application of tenioha, interpretations may be erroneous.

Then, Ohokashima wrote the Hana no soe ueta, about Yamata no kuni and Hishiyo-no-miya, Keiko Tenno’s palace. Ohokashima was daiguji (kan-ochi) of Ise Kotai Jingu.


Seishu mondo by Kibi no Makibi

This document is produced at the end of Suda’s book. [It has been published by JTC with a beige cover.]

Mikasafumi had 64 aya, and the copy or copies had many bug holes. Therefore, when Nihon Shoki was being written, using Mikasafumi as a reference, there would have been mistakes. Furthermore, when Toneri Shinao was diligently writing the text, Amaterasu was male. But the Empress had a doukyo Buddhist priest that she was in love with. He wanted to take over the country with his son. With his power over the empress, he was able to change the Nihon Shoki and make Amaterasu female.
