Tag Archives: winter solstice

The Mayan Calendar and the December Solstice of 2012: What now?

Keywords:  winter solstice, 2012, Mayan calendar, galaxy, precession, cosmos, consciousness, evolution 

Mayan Calandar and December 21, 2012

There was much speculation about the end of the Mayan calendar on the date of the winter solstice, December 21, of the year 2012. The world did not come to an end. What really happened?

Mayan calendar reference: Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 by John Major Jenkins, 1998

Three of the cycles of the Mayan calendar

This article is about the Mayan calendar which has cycles within cycles, extending over an enormous duration of time. We have heard about its date of That date represents the time when the old cycle of the 13-baktun, 5125 years, Long Count Calendar ends and a new one begins. In the Gregorian calendar, this date is 2012.12.21 or December 21, 2012. December 21 is the date of the December solstice, also called the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere).

Why 5125 years? The Mayan date of means 13 baktuns, 0 katuns, 0 tuns, 0 uinals, and 0 kin from the reference date of the calendar. This is the number of years in one-fifth of Earth’s astronomical precessional period of about 26,000 years. It is called the precession of the equinoxes.

The Ancients of planet Earth regarded precession as the evolution of life on Earth, the unfolding of spirit and consciousness. To the Maya, 26,000 years is the gestation period of humanity, just as 260 days is the gestation of a human fetus before it is born.

What, in astronomy, is a precessional cycle? 

The axis of the spinning earth wobbles like any spinning top, the axis slowly turning in a circle with angular radius 23.5 degrees. This angle of 23.5 degrees is the angle of the tilt of the earth’s axis to the orbital plane around the sun. This is the reason that the tropical zones, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, are 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator. Moreover, this is the reason we have seasons.

Earth’s precession takes about 26,000 years to complete. This is one precessional period. In the chart, the circle is the precessional circle. At the left is Polaris, the current pole star in the year 2000. Note that Thuban was the pole star in 3000 BCE (5,000 years ago), and then half a precessional cycle from now it will be the brilliant star Vega in constellation Libra, as it was in 12,000 BCE.  

How did ancient indigenous people know the precessional cycle without access to highly accurate instruments? 

They observed that the north pole star slowly moved in the night sky across the years and decades. It takes 72 years to move one degree in the sky. It may seem like too small a change to detect, but generations of indigenous people have noticed that different stars in different constellations have taken the place of the pole star.

What is so special about the date 

We convert the date to the Gregorian calendar which is used today, and ask our astronomical software to give us the positions of Earth and Sun relative to the astronomical objects in space around our galaxy, the Milky Way. We reference the Milky Way by the location of its center, the Galactic Center. Here is what we find, and we go on to interpret the  specialness of the date in various aspects.

The Galactic Center (GC) is indicated by the arrow in the photo of the Milky Way.

On this date:

Astronomically:  The GC is behind an obscuring Black Rift. It is known to be in the constellation of Sagittarius; its location is designated Sag A* (Sagittarius A*). On this date, the Sun is in alignment with the GC as seen from Earth. That is, the Earth, Sun, and Galactic Center are on a straight line. This happens once every 26,000 years.

Astrologically:  This alignment means astrologically that it is a conjunction of humans with the Cosmos.

Mythologically:  Father Sun conjoins with Mother Galaxy, creating children (Humankind). This takes place at a portal to the Underworld, affecting human consciousness.

Metaphysically:  The solar system enters a region of space with certain high energies, according to the Ageless Wisdom teachings.

Esoterically:  Generation or regeneration of human consciousness takes place to a new level of evolution. 

What is the Galactic Center in astronomy?   

* Physical center of the Milky Way Galaxy

* Place where Sun’s ecliptic path crosses the Milky Way Galactic plane, at a 60-degree angle.

* Location of the galactic supermassive black hole in the Great Black Rift noted by Mayan astronomers.

By the way, here are relevant astronomical data.

* Earth spins around its axis once in 24 hours.

* Earth orbits the Sun at a speed of 67,100 miles per hour, taking a year of 365.2 days for the  orbital period.

* As Earth orbits Sun, Sun orbits Galactic Center, taking its solar system with it, the circuit taking 226 million years. Speed of Sun through the Galaxy: around 500,000 mph.

* Our Galaxy the Milky Way is also traveling through space.

* Earth’s path is thus a circular helical spiral with Sun (red) travelling through space. Earth’s path is indicated by the blue curve. The paths of the two inner planets are shown in red and yellow.

Milky Way Astronomy of Galactic Center

A new study of the center of the Milky Way using radio and X-ray images provides the best view so far of the strange space near the center of the Galaxy. This image shows a full-color high-resolution Chandra X-ray Observatory X-ray image of the 1000 by 2000 lightyear region around the center the Milky Way. The X-ray image is colored orange, green, blue, purple, representing increasingly higher X-ray energies (and increasingly more extreme phenomena).   

Chandra x-ray image in four wavelengths. https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/objects/heapow/archive/normal_galaxies/galcenter_chandra.html 

Center of Milky Way, simulation of stars close to Sag A*. 

Various Remarks on Precession Effects

Jose Arguelles (The Mayan Factor, 1987): 2012.12.21 marks the conclusion of the passage of our solar system through a galactic synchronization beam.

The authors of Hamlet’s Mill (Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, 1969) contend that ancient cultures believed precession to have a primary influence on the changing destinies of humankind. The authors discuss ancient myths that a future time would come when cosmic harmony would return.

Kryon, October 2015:

If humanity survived past the December solstice of 2012, it would begin its journey of a further evolution of consciousness.

Concluding Remarks

We can safely surmise from observing the growing spiritual activity on this planet that there is something going on with the elevation of human consciousness to higher frequencies, to higher dimensions. Further, that the rate of evolution has stepped up since 2012 together with a shifting perception of time. Now time seems not so much the ruler of our daily activities, but a connection with the short to long cyles from the distant past into the future. We are coming out of our dark period to an understanding of being here now. 

We have passed the winter solstice of our dark period. Spring and summer of humanity have not yet arrived, but the winter solstice is a herald of the coming spring.
